Friday, June 28, 2013

Letter To President

Dear Mr. President, 
      I am pleased to have this opportunity to send you a letter through e-mail. By the way, I am a senior high school student of Ilocos Sur National High School.
   First and foremost, regarding under your administration to our country, Philippines, I thank and congratulate you as our President. Seemingly and obviously, I think our country has improved and changed, at least. Because of your loyalty and kindness with our senates and department secretaries and other government administrators, they are doing great with you on administrating our country. And I know, administrating country is very hard. It needs wise and precise plans to  keep the performance and the condition of our country good. 
    Everyone has the same concerns as others do. Simply, most of us, Filipino citizens, have the same or common concerns on our country. And may I discuss these then-and-now concerns: Poverty, Population Growth.
     Our dream is to make our country wealthy. But poverty, which we really want to give solution to it is not just a cakewalk to finish or end to make our country independent to problems. Because of poverty some could not get what they want. Like parents. They cannot afford the allowance of their child. And because of lack of budget, their child would decide not to continue studying, instead they will just find minor job/s to gain money. But I want you to know that I am one of you in making plans. I am hoping you can do something noble to lessen our state in poverty.
     Population Growth. How can we prevent the rapid grow of our number? Actually this is uncontrollable by now. But there is something can be done. The cause of this problem is poverty. Because of what have been told above, the child would just find job. And/ or, because of lack of knowledge they would just make family and their ambition would just make and make children. I hope you have a plan to control our population growth.
    All this I hope you are doing your best or will do your best to make our plans successful.
Sincerely Yours,
Marc Angelo